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Week 1

 Welcome! Things I am not: Fancy. Frugal. Financially Fit. Things I want to be: Fancy. Frugal. Financially Fit. I am a single mom with two kids, one dog, one cat, one small house, and $95,000 of debt. That's a lot. More than I've racked up in the past. Previously, my record high was around $68,000 and I whittled that down to $10,000 over the course of about three years.  For a long time, I blamed my husband. We were both bad with money. Now we're divorced, and here I am, drowning in debt all alone. It's okay though - I don't mind doing this alone.  Here are the biggest challenges I think I will face: 1) My kids and I enjoy doing expensive things. They are 10 and 7, and they love going to indoor playgrounds and putting together new Lego sets and getting treats from the coffee shops. Hell, I love getting treats from coffee shops. This probably comes from Unresolved Childhood Trauma (TM) of having frugal parents and some bitterness I still hold on to for missing out on

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